
Friday 20 January 2012

Road Trip to Langebaan

Out on The Road...

...with the wind in your face, the sun on your arm as you
let it fall out the car window... One of the best things
about living in South Africa, especially in the Western Cape, is the
natural beauty of our land. The best thing to do in summer
has to be a little road trip! This time my cousin, Chloe, and I went to Langebaan
to visit her dad, and took a drive through the nature reserve on the Sunday.
The weather was perfect and so was our mix tape :p


On our way home we stopped by a string of little shops
in the town. Chloe took me to this amazing little shop which housed
the most intricate, detailed and beautiful things...

From rustic old frames, to beautiful vintage teacups and jars, 
really anything you could think of this place had! My hands
were itching to buy everything in the place... it's not often
you come across a shop with such original, one-of-a-kind ornaments
and house decor... I had to post a few pics to show
the magical-ness of this shop!




  1. That really looks beautiful!

  2. wow looks amazing darling...such a fun day. you are an amazing photographer <3
