
Monday 30 January 2012

Tatty Devine - Jewellery



A while ago I came across an image, somewhere online,
of the most ingenious necklace I've seen in a while...
Luckily, today, I came across the website that sells
this divine little baby:

 Welcome to the frightfully delightful world of

Tatty Devine

You can go to their website over here!
and browse through their amazing collection of
ALL hand made jewellery for guys and girls!
 If you're interested in getting involved and creating your
own one-of-a-kind pieces, Tatty Devine have also
put together a lovely little book that you
can order from most online book stores :) brill!



Below are a few pics of my wishlist of Tatty Devine...
be sure to go to their site and find your own ;)


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