
Monday 14 May 2012

Career Trends - Cigarette Pants

Cigarette Pants...

... I remember being young, and in school, and my mother ironing my pants, even my jeans, with a seam down the front. It reminded me of career-forward fashion females from the eighties, perms and all, and I hated it.

Now as we all know, fashion always, always comes round. It's perhaps the other thing as certain as death in the human race... not to sound too morbid for a Monday Morning ;)
And now, these little sexy straight-lined pants are back:

Welcome to the stage, Cigarette Pants.

I think this style of pants is a great way for one to be formal at work, yet still bringing in their own fashion style. These pants work with virtually everything, and look good on almost everyone too!

Spring 2012 is seeing alot of clean-cut lines coming back into style, and Cigarette Pants are one of the frontiers of this trend, along with casual blazers of course ;)

Pair these pants with flats, heels, boots.... and for a top? Plain White tees work well, as well as collared shirts for a more formal look. Look out for any and every colour in these pants, and if your outfit is looking a bit TOO formal and drab, you can always "joosh" it up with a statement necklace.... Easy as that!

Below are a few jambled pictures for your inspiration...
Let me know your thoughts on this classic style






  1. love love love love love so much! Great post and completely agree!

    1. I love love love too...
      Thanks for the comment ;)

