
Monday 21 May 2012

Local Talent - Lauren Fowler - Designer . Illustrator

South African Creative Lauren Fowler...


... first caught my eye when she walked into the building where I used to work about two years ago now...

Apart from her pretty face and gorgeous tats, her work is equally as interesting, adorable and eye catching and she once again proves that Cape Town really did deserve that 2014 World Design Capital Bid for 2014...!

There aren't many successful young freelancers in Cape Town as winning as Lauren.
After studying at AAA in CT, she is now a freelance designer whos creations have been spotted all over our city, and her work has been published in Elle & Elle Decoration, Glamour and Real Simple! Luckily, I managed to get a bit of an interview, so without further adieu... Welcome to the stage Lauren Fowler herself ;)


1. Deciding on what to do when one leaves school is one of the hardest choices to make in life. What made you choose to go the route you chose?

I took Graphic Design at my High School since I was 13. When I found out what the course was, I was instantly hooked and knew that's what I wanted to do. I took a gap year after high school and still felt the same way, so, I took the course for Graphic Design at the AAA School of Advertising and the rest is history.

2. Where do you mainly draw your inspiration from when you start an illustration? 

I wish I knew where they kept this inspiration cloud. Sometimes I have a billion ideas and other times I feel like there's nothing left. I make sure to write all these gems down and read them when I feel the "well" empty. 

I think the most important thing is to keep breathing, moving and getting away from the computer. Understanding your brief is also very important, finding out exactly what you're going to be doing and being clear in your mind.

3. Do you have any favorite illustrators or designers out there?

I love Michael Taylor's illustration and David Shrigley's style and wit.

4. Anyone who's been to a design school in South Africa knows how difficult it is to freelance. Any tips for creatives in the industry wanting to do so? 

Keep with it. It can be really stressful and hard at times but keeping a good attitude and surrounding yourself with supportive people can be life savers. In this job, you really have to keep your mind in check and believe that more work will constantly come in.

5. Have you ever exhibited your work? How do you go about doing so....?

I've exhibited in group shows at Blossom, A Word of Art, Salon 91, The Fringe Arts and Muti Gallery. I still have to have a solo day.
I was invited to all the shows by the galleries / shops.

6. Is there any other creative projects you enjoy doing that we don't know about? ;)

I have a few things in the pipe lines but you'll have to keep an eye on my blog to find out what they are.

7. Any last inspiring words?

Trust yourself, ask yourself questions 
and keep your eyes open.
Below are a few of my fav pieces of Laurens...
Check out more on her site here



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks!! Lots more on her site you should check it out... <3

  2. Hello there LittleMissIvy!
    Just found your blog and wanted to drop by and say hello :)
    I love finding local talent, thanks so much for the interesting post!


    1. Thanks for your comment.... checking out your blog as I type ;)

