
Thursday 7 June 2012

Lets Marry in Vegas...

Wedding Bells...


... are going to be ringing in about 6 months time, when the weather is perfect in 
South Africa ;)

There is just so much wedding talk in my office at the moment, be it wedding preparations or proposals etc ... wedding fever is definitely high in my work environment at the moment...

... So in helping look for weddings ideas for a few friends, I came across this very cute edgy shoot featuring model Katie Fogarty : A brilliant Vegas Wedding shoot!

Shot by Renam Christofoletti for Vogue's Brazil Brides, this makes that said "accidental Vegas elopement" look hot -

Think sexy manly models dressed like Elvis, slot machine games, lots of glitter and game chips, think the 2012 international gaming awards, lumo lights, lots of bling, and of course don't forget to imagine all the sounds that go along with being in Vegas, bright lights, World leading micro gaming casino software, and of course the champers ;)

Check out the pics below and be inspired by the seemingly "taboo" type of wedding.

LOVE it ;)





  1. LOVE THIS POST...visuals are a plus. I cannot stop looking through your blog :). I am now following. I hope you can check out my site: and FOLLOW. Glad I visited. Hope to hear from you soon.


    1. Thanks so much for the comment, and the follow! :) :)

