
Thursday 14 June 2012

New Hair Trend - Head Chains

Head Chains...


(... Or "Head Thongs" but now that just sounds rude...)

If you're a true fashionista at heart and love experimenting with new trends, this one's for you!

It seems as though the hair accessory trend has shifted from soft feathered out Alice bands to hard metal chain links! ... or in some cases, beads or pearls too!

Seen on the likes of Vanessa Hudgens and Nicole Richie amongst other celebs, this trend is quickly becoming a pretty big hit for that perfect Spring/Summer 2012 hair look.

After a bit of googling, it would seem that the best place to buy these pretties would be on Etsy.

And we all LOVE buying from Etsy anyway don't we, since we'd be supporting small businesses which is always great!

My Top 3 Etsy stores to get your head chains from would be:

1. Mystik & Co.
2. Lucidity by Uma
3. Funny People

(click above for direct links to their stores!)

I've grabbed my favs from the top three stores and will put them below for you to check out!
Let me know if this is a trend you'd be willing to try, and don't forget to go to the above stores for other great treats!!

Lovely Stuff



By Mystik & Co.

By Mystik & Co.

By Mystik & Co.

By Mystik & Co.
By Lucidity By Uma

By Lucidity By Uma

By Lucidity By Uma

By Lucidity By Uma
By Funny People

By Funny People



  1. OH MY GOOOOOOOD!!!!!! you have such a stunning blog:) yippeeee now i can tell everybody to read it and brag that i know you lol. You should def do modelling or something:)

    1. Hehe thank you darling ;) No modelling for me, I prefer to be behind the camera to be honest ;)
      Go check out my Flickr Album... The link is in the left hand side column of my blog


  2. Stunning Miss I! your blog is always on point! The dopest in SA in my opinion. I'm gonna brush up on my DIY skill and make this accessory myself :)

    1. Why thank you SO much dear! I put alot of work and effort into my blog ;)
      Means a lot to get comments like this I must say

      And Please let me know if you manage to make a head chain, and send me pics!! I'd LOVE to see!!!!


    2. I actually just got a head chain from and girl I love it

  3. OMG I love the new style, I actually just purchased a similar head chain like kim kardashian's head chain from I got some many compliments on it WOW, I'm soooo happy ;)

    1. I went to that link now, SUCH a stunning accessory!! I really need to keep an eye out for one for myself.. still can't find one in my local shops :(

      Thanks for the comment!!


  4. Hey! Your blog is awesome. I sell very unique, trendy, and bohemian headchains as well. I hope you like them!! I would be so honored if you listed my store as well. I think you will really like my stuff!! Thanks <3
