
Tuesday 12 June 2012

We Need Bandeaus!



So recently I completed a part-time sewing course which I was
sent on by my company. It was tons of fun, and a GREAT way to help
me along with my very own label which is due to launch nearer to the 
end of this year... 

(yes, you heard it here first so watch this space....)!! 

The very first thing I attempted to make myself
was a basic rouched Bandeau, which I must say came out rather beautifully

This is me wearing my home-made Bandeau

Bandeaus are going to be a HUGE part of my label, as they are
quickly becoming another sister to the 
What Every Girl Needs In Her Closet items!!

They are perfect to wear under your sheer garments if you don't want
to rock a bra, they work perfectly with high-waisted skirts and shorts,
and are comfy - as - hell to wear under pretty much anything!!

Want some more inspiration?
Check out my bandeau-inspired images
(all from






  1. I see these EVERYWHERE. I call them bralets. :p
    Love yours, well done babe. x

  2. heheh well help a betch out and koop me some?? :D

    love you babe ;) xxx

  3. i love bandeaus! they are so easy to wear, great post and well done on making your own!

  4. Bandeaus, bandeaus, bandeaus. I really need one. I didn't realize how versatile they can be and they are absolutely perfect for the season!

  5. Thanks for the comments girls :) :)

    They ARE perfect for the season.. go get some!!

